About this report

Aerospace Market News is currently a monthly industry report, not a news magazine, and it deals solely with commercial aircraft and engine manufacturing. From 2025, it will be a quarterly report.

There is no advertising and there are no illustrations. Just tables and charts relating to individual aircraft and engine production rates, orders, deliveries and backlogs. We add a commentary to all this.

Each issue is sent by email in A4 format as a Word document. You simply download the file. The advantage of the Word format is that you can adapt the material to your own needs and you can easily share the information with colleagues. You can also sort tables and cut & paste whatever you want into your own company reports.

The typical contents of Aerospace Market News :
Each issue of AMN is similar since we update everything every month. What we have is a standard format with the following sections:

Industry Overview : Our analysis of current trends in the industry tells you what is going on and what movement there has been in terms of new commercial orders, the unfilled order position for aircraft and engines and what changes there may be to current and future production rates.

The Large Commercial Jet Backlog : Tables here show the latest quarterly and monthly backlog figures for all major and minor jet aircraft programs. These tables enable you to track backlog development.

Production Rates for Commercial Aircraft : We provide the very latest production rate figures for each commercial aircraft program.

Large Commercial Jets : We have two sections here, the first dealing with new orders, the second showing deliveries. Tables and charts show all orders and deliveries in the last month, the last quarter and in the year-to-date. Both sections list customers and engine choice.

Aircraft Engines : The most important table in this section is the Engine Order Book which shows the size of each engine program. We also show the share of the single-aisle and widebody engine backlogs that each engine has. In addition there are tables showing the monthly order intake of each engine program and monthly engine installs.

Appendices : Every issue has several tables showing customer aircraft orders in the last month or the last quarter, plus deliveries. We also list every airline and leasing customer with undelivered orders at the end of the previous month; showing precisely what they have on order. 

ISSUE SIZE – Each issue typically has about 80 A4 pages each month. Our current quarterly issues run to about 90 pages. This is all relevant industry information and there is no advertising. Note that we send Aerospace Market News out as a Word document (.docx file) so that subscribers can work with the material and can adapt information to suit their own needs.